Margaret Caufield BODDELL or BRUNEAU


Red Cross Badge

Red Cross Badge

 'Insigne Speciale' awarded to Margaret Caufield Boddell

MARGARET CAUFIELD BODDELL was born at Raploch Street, Larkhall, on 24th July, 1886.


Her sister Isabella Hyslop Boddell was born at 9 MacNeil Street, Larkhall, on 28th January, 1889.


Their parents were James Hyslop Boddell, a Cloth Lapper, and Susan Brown, who were married at Larkhall on 25th July, 1885.
Their paternal grandparents were James Boddell, a Coal Miner, and Isabella Hyslop.
Their maternal grandparents were Andrew Brown, a Grocer, and Margaret Caufield.


The 1891 LARKHALL Census was taken on 5th April, 1891.
The family are listed at 9 MacNeil Street, Larkhall, as follows:
James H. Boddell, age 29, Head, Cloth Lapper, b Larkhall.
Susan Boddell, age 29, Wife, b Larkhall.
MAGGIE C. BODDELL, age 4, Daughter, b Larkhall.
Isabella H. Boddell, age 2, Daughter, b Larkhall.


On 26th July, 1900, their mother Susan Brown or Boddell, age 39, died at 12 Braehead Avenue, Larkhall. The cause of her death was 'Valvular Disease of Heart' which she had suffered for 6 months.
MARGARET BODDELL was 14 years old.
Isabella was 11 years old.


The 1901 LARKHALL Census was taken on 31st March, 1901.
The family are listed at 12 Braehead Avenue, Larkhall, as follows:
James H. Boddell, age 39, Head, Widower, Foreman Cloth Lapper, b Larkhall.
MAGGIE C. BODDELL, age 14, Daughter, Scholar, b Larkhall.
Bella H. Boddell, age 12, Daughter, Scholar, b Larkhall.


The 1911 Larkhall Census was taken on 2nd April, 1911.
The family are listed at Palmer House, Machan Road, Larkhall, as follows:
James Boddell, age 49, Head, Widower, Foreman Cloth Lapper, b Larkhall.
Isabella Boddell, age 22, Daughter, b Larkhall.


The 1911 Census records for the Middle Ward District Hospital, Airbles Road, Motherwell, show:
MARGARET BODDELL, age 23, Hospital Nurse, b Larkhall.

[Note: a photo of the Middle Ward District Hospital, Motherwell, is attached.]


The Medal Rolls Index Card (MIC) shows her as a 'Trained Nurse' with the American Ambulance Hospital of Paris, and as a 'Sister' with the French Red Cross. The MIC shows that she disembarked in France in August, 1914.


The Medal Rolls for Sister MARGARET BODDELL shows that she was awarded The 1914-15 Star Medal, The Victory Medal and The British War Medal.

The Medal Roll for The 1914-15 Star Medal shows that she entered France on 3rd September, 1914.
This Roll shows a list of "Trained Nurses" and is issued by the "AMERICAN AMBULANCE HOSPITAL OF PARIS, Neuilly-sur0Seine, France".
[Note: a photo of the American Red Cross Military Hospital No 1, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France 'near Paris', is attached.]

The Medal Roll for The Victory Medal and The British War Medal shows that Sister MARGARET BODDELL served in France from '8-14' to '11-18'.
This Roll is issued by the "BRITISH COMMITTEE French Red Cross".


From newspaper articles in The Hamilton Advertiser, Miss Isabell Boddell was a well-known soprano singer, and she took part in many concerts to support soldiers home on leave or recuperating from the war.


A newspaper clipping taken from The Hamilton Advertiser, page 4, dated 4th March, 1916, reads:
"PRESENTATION TO A NURSE - Before leaving to take up her duties again under the Red Cross in France, Nurse Margaret C. Boddell, daughter of Mr James H. Boddell, Machan Road, was entertained by the ladies of Larkhall War Work Party, and presented with a handsome writing case. Mrs McCallum, Parish Church Manse, in handing over the gift, referred in eloquent terms to the noble work in which Nurse Boddell was engaged, and wished her God speed in her errand of mercy."


A newspaper clipping taken from The Hamilton Advertiser, page 6, dated 24th June, 1916, reads:
"SOLDIER'S TREAT - The second of the treats provided by local ladies and gentlemen took place yesterday afternoon under fine weather auspices. Dinner and tea were provided in the Drill Hall, over which the Rev. Alex. Borland presided. A drive afterwards took place along the Clyde Valley to Stonebyres Falls, which was greatly enjoyed. The recent rains had made vegetation fresh, and the varied hues of colour along the route made scenes charming. The soldiers were from Bellahouston War Hospital. After dinner, songs were rendered by Miss Boddell, and a lady and gentleman from the Empire. Next week, owing to the fair, the treat will take plce on Thursday."


A newspaper clipping taken from The Hamilton Advertiser, page 6, dated 12 August, 1916, reads:
"ENTERTAINMENT AT STOBHILL HOSPITAL - A concert party organised by Mrs Hill and Miss Boddell of the Larkhall Work Party visited Stobhill Hospital on Wednesday. The programme was sustained by Miss Bella Boddell, soprano; Messrs Robert Walker, tenor; George Burns, baritone; and Robt. Frame, comedian, with Miss Margaret Douglas, accompanist. The singers were hearily applauded by the soldiers, and had to respond to repeated encores. The programme concluded with the singing of the National Anthem by the company, and on the call of the soldiers the artistes were given a hearty cheer. Sister McMillan thanked the party for the splendid entertainment, and expressed the wish that they would come to Stobhill again at an early date."


On 24th November, 1916, Isabella Hyslop Bodell, age 26, a Professional Singer of "Ferndene", Machan Road, Larkhall, married Adam Hogg Bryce, age 25, a Journeyman Plumber serving as a Private in the 1/7th Battalion, A. & S. H., B.E.F., France, at The Manse, Larkhall.
Adam Hogg Bryce, Private 2183, 6th Battalion, Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), was later transferred and renumbered as Private 636845, Labour Corps. He served in France from 21st March, 1915, survived, and was 'demobbed' on 24th February, 1919. He was awarded The 1914-15 Star Medal, The Victory Medal and the British War Medal.


A newspaper clipping taken from The Hamilton Advertiser, page 1, dated 9th December, 1916, reads:
BRYCE-BODDELL - At the Manse, Larkhall, on the 24th ult., by the Rev. J. D. McCallum, B.D., Pte Adam H. Bryce, A. and S.H., to Bella Hyslop, daughter of J. H. Boddell, "Ferndene", Larkhall."


A newspaper clipping taken from The Hamilton Advertiser, page 4, dated 6th April, 1918, reads:
"BENEFIT CONCERT - On Wednesday evening, a benefit concert was held in the Public Hall, Larkhall, on behalf of John Whitelaw, who met with an accident in Dykehrad Colliery, and is disabled for life. There was a crowded attendance, and Mr J. C. Burns, J.P., presided. The programme submitted was an excellent one, and the following artistes rendered good service:- Miss Ella Boddell, soprano; Mis Jeanie Davidson, contralto; Miss Dolly Robson, from the Empire; Mr Thomas Cunningham, tenor; Mr J. C. Goudie, bass; Billy Weir, comedian; Dan Myper, accordian soloist; George Harris and Harry Anderson, cornet duettists; Sisters Whitelaw, international dancers; Bros. and Sisters Little, instrumentalists and dancers. Mis S. Clark discharged the duties of accompanist."


A newspaper clipping taken from The Hamilton Advertiser, page 4, dated 27th April, 1918, reads:
"LOCAL NURSE TWICE DECORATED - Nurse Margaret C. Boddell, who is attached to the French Red Cross, has been decorated by the French govenment for devotion and long service to French wounded soldiers. The decoration consists of a gold insignia with two palms. This is the second decoration received by Nurse Boddell since the outbreak of war. The first decoration, which was also bestowed by the French Govenment, took the form of a medal, and was awarded for rescuing French wounded soldiers under heavy fire, when the hospital in which they were located had to be evacuated. Nurse Boddell is a sister of Miss Ella Boddell, the noted soprano singer, and the eldest daughter of Mr James H. Boddell, 24 Wellgate Street."


In the Valuation Records for 1920, James H. Boddell, a Bleachfield Worker, is listed as the Tenant at 24 Wellgate Street, Larkhall.

In the Valuation Records for 1925, Adam Bryce, a Plumber, is listed as the Tenant at 3 Beaton Street, Larkhall.
Adam Bryce, a Plumber, is also listed as the Tenant of a 'Shed' at 3 London Street, Larkhall. [I assume that is where he conducted his business as a plumber.]


On 26th October, 1926, Adam Bryce, 3 Beaton Street, Larkhall, age 36, a plumber, left Glasgow aboard the ship Letitia, bound for Quebec, Montreal, Canada.


On 21st May, 1927, James Boddell, age 56, a Cloth Lapper, of 3 Beaton Street, Larkhall, and his daughter Ella Bryce, age 35, a housewife, same address, left Greenock aboard the ship Montcalm, bound for Quebec, Canada.


On 15th October, 1940, Adam Hogg Bryce, a plumber, age 49, husband of Ella Boddell or Bryce, died at 15 Stephanie Street, Toronto, Canada. The cause of death was Coronary Thrombosis due to Coronary Sclerosis and Chronic Gall-Bladder disease.


On 24th October, 1944, James Hyslop Boddell, age 83, a widower, of 1454 A, Yage Street, Toronto, Canada, died at home. his death was reported by his daughter Mrs Ella Boddell or Bryce, of same address. The cause of death was Pneumonia due to Infection.


In 'For Dauntless France', an account of Britain's aid to the French wounded and victims of the war; by Laurence Binyon, (1869-1943), Publication date 1918, page 340 lists "Boddell, Miss M.C.".

The '1951 UK and Ireland Nursing Register 1898 to 1968' lists:
Reg. No.:                        E.26253
Name:                            BRUNEAU, Margaret Caufield (nee Boddell),
Address:                         American Hospital of Paris, 63 Bld Victor Hugo, Neuilly, Seine, France,
Date of Registration:  25/5/51,
Qualifications:             County of Lanark Isolation Hospital. 1911. Section 12 (1) (b) N.S.A. 1949".


The '1955 UK and Ireland Nursing Register 1898 to 1968' lists:
Reg. No.:                       E.26253
Name:                            BRUNEAU, Margaret Caufield (nee Boddell),
Address:                        77, Ave de Wagram, Paris, France,
Date of Registration:  25/5/51,
Qualifications:             County of Lanark Isolation Hospital. Section 12 (1) (b) N.S.A. 1949".


The '1957 UK and Ireland Nursing Register 1898 to 1968' lists:
Reg. No.:                       E.26253
Name:                            BRUNEAU, Margaret Caufield (nee Boddell),
Address:                        25 Cis Rue de Chateau, Neuilly, Seine, France,
Date of Registration:  25/5/51,
Qualifications:             County of Lanark Isolation Hospital. 1911. Section 12 (1) (b) Nurses (Scotland Act), 1949".


I found a Passenger List record showing Margaret C. Bruneau, born Larkhall on 24th July, 1886, arriving on flight BA581 from London, into New York, USA, on 10th October, 1958. She was allowed admission until 30th October, 1958 (20 days). So I am guessing she was visiting for 3 weeks.
The document is difficult to read. But I can discern that her address was c/o ???, 26 Ave Viceroy Rd, Paris, France.
The US address looks like c/o ? Katz, Meadow Road, Westport, Connecticut.


MARGARET BODDELL or BRUNEAU, age 95, died on 10th March, 1982, in Invereck Eventide Home, Sandbank, Dunoon, Argyll, Scotland. Her death record shows that she is the widow of 'Yves Bruneau, Draughtsman'.


I contacted the British Red Cross to enquire if they have any historical records regarding Margaret Boddell.
Their reply is as follows:

"Unfortunately it appears that Margaret was a member of the British Committee of the French Red Cross (formerly known as the London Committee of the French Red Cross). This Committee is a source of some frustration to me as its records appear not to have survived. They are certainly not held by the archives of either the British or French Red Cross movements and efforts over the years to track them down have been unsuccessful.


Lest We Forget!

1911 Census showing Middle Ward Hospital, Airbles Road, Motherwell, Lanarkshire.

1911 Census showing Margaret Boddell, age 23, born Larkhall, as a nurse at the hospital.

Photo of Middle Ward Hospital, Motherwell.

The American Red Cross Military Hospital No 1, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France 'near Paris'.

Medal Rolls Index Card (MIC).

SAMPLE photo of the 'Insigne Speciale' for nurses.

Pages taken from 'For Dauntless France' by Laurence Binyon (author of "Ode of Remembrance".)

'Boddell, Miss M. C.' listed in left column.

Medal Roll for the award of The 1914 Star Medal by The American Ambulance Hospital of Paris, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France.

Medal Roll for the award of The Victory Medal and The British War Medal by the British Committee French Red Cross.

Newspaper clipping taken from The Hamilton Advertiser, page 4, 4th March, 1916.

Newspaper clipping taken from The Hamilton Advertiser, page 6, 24th June, 1916.

Newspaper clipping taken from The Hamilton Advertiser, page 6, 12th August, 1916.

Newspaper clipping taken from The Hamilton Advertiser, page 1, 9th December, 1916.

Newspaper clipping taken from The Hamilton Advertiser, page 4, 6th April, 1918.

Newspaper clipping taken from The Hamilton Advertiser, page 5, 27th April, 1918.

Passenger List showing Adam Bryce, 3 Beaton Street, Larkhall, age 36, a plumber, leaving Glasgow aboard the ship Letitia, bound for Canada, on 26th October, 1926.

Passenger List showing James Boddell, age 56, a Cloth Lapper, of 3 Beaton Street, Larkhall, and his daughter Ella Bryce, age 35, a housewife, same address, leaving Greenock aboard the ship Montcalm, bound for Canada, on 21st May, 1927.

Death record of Adam Hogg Bryce on 15th October, 1940.

Death record of James Hyslop Boddell on 24th October, 1944.

Passenger List record showing Margaret C. Bruneau arriving in New York, USA, on 10th October, 1958.

Death record of Margaret Caufield Boddell or Bruneau.


Glenview Public Park,

Hamilton Road,

Larkhall, Lanarkshire, Scotland


The above photos were captured by Walter Smith at the 2016 Remembrance Ceremony.

The above winter snow photos were captured by Walter Smith.

This photo was captured by Lynne McKenzie Lochrie of Larkhall.

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